Fourteen months ago, it began with a feeling, a calling to write. Since that time, I have been amazed by the journey it has taken me on. Yet, amidst life with three kids, a full-time job, countless decisions, early mornings, ups and downs, and a cancer diagnosis, these words have continued. Who would have thought that five whispered words, You make my life rich, would spark such an incredible adventure? This adventure and newfound perspective is the story that I […]
Tag Archives | Book Release

Radical Faith Precedes Radial Evidence: If You Build it, He Will Come
My favorite movie is becoming my life. I find myself transformed into the character of a corn farmer from Iowa–Ray Kinsella. And while I haven’t been called to cut down a cornfield to build a baseball diamond, my version, my calling, is this blog; this book. Here I sit, tears uncontrollably streaming down my face, explaining to my wife why I am a wreck. Thank goodness the kids are napping. When she first walked in, she was startled, assuming by […]

Dreaming and Building
Next door to my office, they’re building a brand new Dick’s Sporting Goods and Marshall’s megastore. It’s a huge building and a massive construction undertaking. At any given time, it seems like there are fifty guys on the job and numerous pieces of heavy equipment at work. They are constantly building. As they lay the concrete blocks, something begins to take shape. It is coming to life. Pretty soon, the interior will be filled with merchandise: baseball gear, running apparel, […]