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Don’t Waste Your Wilderness | A Fresh Look at The 12 Spies

Have you ever heard someone talk about being in a “wilderness” season? Maybe, you’d say you’re in a wilderness season right now. In the book of Numbers, we learn the story about the Israelites during their wilderness season. This story provides the origin of the phrase and a great teaching moment for those of us who find ourselves in a difficult moment. Lessons From The 12 Spies In Numbers 13, we catch up with God’s people, the Israelites, after their […]

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Saying ‘No’ to Good Things

If 2020 has taught us anything, it has taught us how to face the reality of change. This year has brought innumerable challenges, many of which we have never dealt with before. As a result, we have seen the effects of change on the human condition — how resilient we can be despite adversity and how change can drive us further into division and anger. The most difficult part of change is letting go of things that seem to be […]

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An Adventure Worth Living

Five years ago, I was a 31-year-old dad of three, who had a sneaking suspicion that there was more to life than I was experiencing. Beneath the busyness of daily demands and the roller-coaster of life’s circumstances, it felt like something was missing. I opened up a journal and wrote these four questions on the page: How have the events in my life led me to where I am today? What am I supposed to do with my life? How […]

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Two Practices to Give an Account of your Abilities

One of the greatest barriers to the life you want to live is you. We are our own biggest problem. It’s not our finances, it’s not our feelings, it’s not our past, and it’s not our circumstances, it’s us. You and I are both great at self sabotage. In order to keep that self sabotage to a minimum, I have begun doing a couple of things to keep myself honest. And on top of that, I have a few people […]

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What I’ve Learned From a Year of Blogging

Listen to this episode on my podcast, or read below Subscribe via iTunes Subscribe via Stitcher Looking Back on One Year of Blogging One year ago, I revamped my website, repurposed my blog, and went to a self hosted site in order to concentrate my efforts as a blogger. In a way, I felt like that process was my graduation from recreational blogging to a more professional attempt. Besides, that is what Jeff Goins, Michael Hyatt, and similar platform consultants […]

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Wealth vs. Worth [Podcast]

Episode 7: Blessings and Wealth versus Worth Today’s podcast is a response to listener feedback from Beth. If you have questions or thoughts, email them to me at and I may feature them on a future episode. Today’s question: “Matt, could you go over the real definition of blessing. I hear so many people talk about their designer jeans or new car as a blessing and I think there’s more to it than that.”   Rich adjective 1. Abounding in […]

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Generosity is Contagious! 12 Days of Christmas Cheer: #ARichChristmas Day 4

Jim Carrey brought The Grinch to life in “How the Grinch Stole Christmas”. Since it’s release in 2000, it quickly became one of my favorite Christmas movies. Do you remember this scene? “‘Maybe Christmas’, he thought, ‘doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.’ And what happened then, well, in Whoville they say, That the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day” Dr. Seuss’ literary genius is on full display. After stealing all of […]

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