All Too Familiar: Brokenness and Healing

I ran into an all too familiar face, or rather, an all too familiar place, last night; The Betty Cameron Women’s and Children’s Hospital here in Wilmington. The twins lived there for almost 5 weeks when they were born and we had an overnight visit with Greyson earlier this year. I didn’t expect we’d be there yesterday; Wyatt was admitted around 5pm with respiratory complications from a cold.

As I walked towards the hospital, there was a range of emotions, none of them positive. I realized I wasn’t yet healed from those experiences.

As I walked into the room, my perspective changed. I saw little Wyatt with his IV and gown; his sweet little face smiled. I knew he needed me to be positive. I spent some time with them and headed home to get some sleep. Walking into a quiet house was eerie and uncomfortable for me as I’m usually met with kids and dogs and energy. I sat there with my thoughts. I thought about my journey over the past 45 days.

I choose gratitude. I choose thankfulness.

I read these words from the book I’m working on:

“You can’t fix something that isn’t broken. The condition of brokenness is the only thing that allows the process of healing. Better yet, the recognition of something broken is the first step in moving towards a process of healing. You see, ignoring our broken situations doesn’t allow the wound to heal correctly. And, if you try to let them heal on their own, the scar will remind you of the wound instead of a place that has been healed. Understanding brokenness has to be the first step in living richly because without it, there is no foundation from which to build. It may be a tough realization for a lot of us, but it is only through pain that we can heal! It is only through adversity that we can grow!”

A place that is broken can either heal or continue to be a wound; the beauty is, you decide which!

Wyatt will be ok, hopefully he will come home today. Having to go there again helped confirm what I needed to hear. For that, I am grateful.

What wounds still exist in your life that you haven’t allowed to heal?


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