A Christian’s Plea During This Political Season

This political season has become reality television at it’s very best (or worst depending on your perspective). Regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on, it hasn’t been pretty. As a result of recent terrorist attacks, the ongoing LGBT conversation, a violent resurgence of racial tension, and pending economic issues, there’s a heightened state of tension that has created the perfect storm.

Our emotions are on overload.

But what troubles me the most is the number of professing Christians who have stooped to levels of detestable conversation in the name of politics and social justice. Some of the most hateful language imaginable has been spewed, damaging an already broken, religious facade.

Fear and blame have become the common thread for those on both sides of the aisle as our concerns have progressed into panic.

But today, I’m reminded that we weren’t created to live in fear. None of us. Not Republicans, not Democrats, and not Independents. Fear should never be a driving factor in our lives, much less our vote.

Trump or Hillary?

This November, we will be presented with one of the most challenging presidential elections in the history of the United States. And as the day draws near, parties and pundits are taking sides.

So who should Christians vote for?

My good friend, Kevin Adams, told me that we really only have two responsibilities this fall: pray and vote our conscience.

Now there may be some who are called to become active in the political process, but those actions have to be led by God. As Christians, we need to be more concerned about endorsing God than endorsing a political candidate.

If you believe that God can’t use Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton to achieve His purposes, then I think you have a very limited view of God. Throughout God’s story, He uses the most uncommon, unqualified characters for His purposes.

Under their own power:

  • Jacob was a thief.
  • Moses was a stuttering murderer.
  • David was an adulterer.
  • Peter denied Christ.
  • Paul hated Christians.

But in each of those stories, these heroes of faith had an encounter with the Divine that changed them. And in spite of their shortcomings, God used them in miraculous ways.

With God’s power:

  • Jacob became Israel.
  • Moses delivered God’s people.
  • David became a man after God’s own heart.
  • Peter was the rock that the early church was built upon.
  • Paul introduced Christianity to the world.

It is my prayer that whatever candidate is given the honor of becoming the leader of this great country, that they will be humbly brought before their Creator and that He would use them for His purposes. Instead of praying for a specific candidate to be elected, what if we started praying for God’s kingdom to be expanded?

As Christians, our faith must not be placed in politicians, pastors, or policies, but in God. And if we believe in God, we must believe what His word says:

That “all things work for the good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purposes.” —Romans 8:28

That “the Lord did not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, of love, and of self-control.” —2 Timothy 1:7

That “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” —Psalm 111:10

That we should “trust in the Lord with all of our heart and lean not on our own understanding.” —Proverbs 3:4-5

The promises of scripture aren’t a Hallmark card for us to toss around, or a hammer for us to pound those who don’t agree with us. The promises of scripture are meant for us to embrace—for us to live out. We have to become the hands and feet and words and life and light of the gospel to a dark world.

As Christians, are we modeling the life of Jesus to those who stand across the aisle or are we proclaiming faith as we cringe in fear?

Friends, there is no room for fear in the heart of someone who is surrendered to God. We must begin praying, with a heart that longs for and believes, that God’s kingdom and His will would be done in this time. And we should live joyfully, with love as we patiently endure.

If fear is driving your vote, your vote will be miscast. Wisdom can never be birthed from fear. Fear is what causes us to cast our votes to things we think will save us and stones at the things that oppose us.  Instead of throwing rocks, the body of Christ, the church, should always strive for unity.

And that can only be done in and through our faith in God.


About the Author:


Matt Ham is a Christian author, speaker, and small-business owner based in Wilmington, North Carolina. Matt’s first book, Redefine Rich, challenges readers to look at wealth and richness from a new perspective.

Matt provides coaching and various resources to help people change their perspective.

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