One of the greatest barriers to the life you want to live is you. We are our own biggest problem. It’s not our finances, it’s not our feelings, it’s not our past, and it’s not our circumstances, it’s us.
You and I are both great at self sabotage.
In order to keep that self sabotage to a minimum, I have begun doing a couple of things to keep myself honest. And on top of that, I have a few people who keep me accountable to these things.
There’s a great verse from the book of Hebrews that reminds me of the importance of this discipline:
“No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.”
Discipline seems unpleasant, but it is in fact, the only way to reap a harvest.
Taking an Account: Wins and Losses
A practical application to cultivate confidence and humility in our lives is taking account of our wins and losses. Every week, we should sit down and write these out as a way to grow.
I personally do this daily in my journal. Sometimes it’s as simple as a word or question, but sometimes, it’s pages worth. The point is, write down what’s going on in your life.
It is a discipline to help us recognize and cultivate wins. In addition, when you give an account for your losses, it forces them to become wins.
Give an Account of your Abilities
What talents have you been given?
Take a minute and write them out. If you’re struggling to find them, ask your wife, family, or friends to tell you.
Now, ask yourself, “How am I using those talents?”
Provide an account of how you are stewarding what you’ve been entrusted with.
In the Bible, Jesus tells the Parable of Talents. The takeaway is those who are faithful with what they’ve been given will be given more. Those who are not faithful, what they have will be taken from them.
If you want to cultivate wholeness in your life, if you want to grow, take a minute and apply these two practices.
For those who are interested, I have begun the Whole Life Mastermind Series. This is a four-week, live series to help you cultivate these characteristics in your life. If you’re looking for a more personal approach, I also offer one-on-one coaching. Check out my about page for more or contact me at
For starters, begin by sharing your wins and losses below.
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