My First Book: Redefine Rich

Fourteen months ago, it began with a feeling, a calling to write. Since that time, I have been amazed by the journey it has taken me on. Yet, amidst life with three kids, a full-time job, countless decisions, early mornings, ups and downs, and a cancer diagnosis, these words have continued. Who would have thought that five whispered words, You make my life rich, would spark such an incredible adventure?

This adventure and newfound perspective is the story that I share in my first book, Redefine Rich: A New Perspective on The Good Life.

For those of you who have been a part of this from the beginning. This is my sincerest thank you.

I would love for you to join us.

Redefine Rich Pre-Release Annoucnement

Announcing Redefine Rich from Matthew Ham on Vimeo.

First Edition Pre-Release

I couldn’t be happier that my publisher, Life[n] Books, has agreed to a limited addition pre-release of 1,000 copies of Redefine Rich especially for you. Over the next forty days, leading up to the release date, we are offering this unique incentive for you to become involved by receiving a personalized, first edition copy of the book. Additionally, we will send you a digital copy by November 3rd so that you can have exclusive access to the book before anyone else.

Lastly, for those that choose to read the early copy, we are offering you the opportunity to join us in the Live Richly Challenge, a chance to share the message of richness with others. For those that participate, we will allow you to purchase an unlimited number of copies at half price so that you can share them with your community during the Holiday Season. Whether your friends, family, co-workers, or small group, Redefine Rich is sure to enhance your perspective and enrich your life.

Thanks for being a part of the movement to redefine rich.

Pre-Order Your Copy Today

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For a sneak peak at some of the book’s content, listen to my recent podcast interview with Jared Easley, co-creator of the Podcast Movement, on his podcast, Starve the Doubts

Matt Ham on Jared Easley's Starve the Doubts

Matt Ham on Jared Easley’s Starve the Doubts

Link Here

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