The Knot That Resides in Our Stomach

I have an awesome opportunity tonight to do something I’ve never done.

Last year, a good friend asked if I would fill-in on the radio broadcast of my high school’s football game. I obliged and had an awesome time. Tonight, I’ve been asked to don a headset, run the sidelines, and give my best Erin Andrews impression. I will be the on-field commentator for the New Hanover High School Wildcats, my alma mater.

Excitement has perfectly mixed with anxiety to form the knot that conveniently resides in my stomach. A knot of inadequacy.

I don’t know what I’m doing?

What if I trip and fall?

What if I blow it?

Do you share these fears?

I’m right there in the middle of that battle with you, my mind waging war against itself. Truthfully, it’s familiar territory. I’ve been on this battlefield before. And not just once, but many times.

I particularly remember, what I hate to admit was seventeen years ago. The first time I ran onto the field wearing a New Hanover jersey. As a sophomore in high school, and the starting tight end on the football team, that same battle was being fought. I had never played football before.

Nervous. Excited. Admittedly scared.

Truth be told, I did blow it. I missed blocking assignments and I dropped some passes.

But what I wouldn’t give to go out there and blow it all over again.

The Opportunity of Today

Dropped passes and missed assignments and blown calls can ruin your life, if you let them. Worrying about your mistakes and letting your fear rule your mind, will do the same.

The best blessing we are given is the confidence we choose in today. Today you’ll have the opportunity to make mistakes. And tomorrow. And the next. You’ll also have the opportunity to make the decision to keep going; to use those mistakes and learn. To be confident and fight the battle victoriously.

We often get stuck in this odd place – regretting the past and worrying about our future. In that moment, we miss the opportunity that is today.

How many of us wouldn’t love to go back to a certain time in our life – a chance to redo, revisit, or recreate our past? How many of us worry about our future – wondering what will be and how it all will go?

There’s only one way to cure those wants. Create them today.

“The less you venture out, the greater your risk of failure. Ironically the more you risk failure – and actually fail – the greater your chances are of success” John Maxwell

Humble Yourself with Confidence

There’s a great confidence that comes when you believe the quote above. If every mistake leads you towards success, you start to embrace the struggle. The journey becomes exciting because you know you are growing; you are becoming.

As you walk confidently, add a dash of humility. The belief that your action isn’t better than another’s. Don’t let pride overtake your confidence – you and I are only part of the story.

But today, venture out there, take some risks, make some mistakes, and run the sidelines of life.

I’ll be right there with you.


Question: How can you humble yourself with confidence today?

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