Seeking Saturday: Who is Dennis Masaku?

What Are You Seeking?

My 2nd principle on the journey to living richly is Invest in Others.  Hopefully, this story will shed light on the power that simple principle carries.

Back in 2010, my wife and I engaged with a ministry through our church, Port City Community Church, called HOPE 127.

At the time, we really didn’t know any details, just simply responded to a call to start giving to the ministry.  We were told that the gift would be used to build a school and fund a ministry in Kenya and that we would ‘sponsor’ one of the orphaned children.  We responded…

HOPE 127 references the acrostic Helping Other People Everywhere through the calling of James 1:27

“Pure and lasting religion in the sight of God our Father means that we must care for orphans and widows in their troubles, and refuse to let the world corrupt us.”

3 years ago, we began sending letters and correspondence to Dennis Masaku through Port City’s Kenya Project.  Please take a minute and read the stories of this ministry, they will move you.  You can visit the Kenya story here and the mission statement here.

At the time we began participating, Dennis was a 13-year old boy orphaned to Mama Hellen’s Rehabilitation Center after living in the streets of Kenya, digging through the garbage for food.  He sought simply bread and water and knew nothing of the love of Christ.

In 3 years, we have seen him grow in his love for God through his writing and in the pictures he sends us.

Dennis 13-16 clockwise

Dennis 13-16 clockwise; love that smile

We were blessed with this letter from Dennis today:

“How are you?  I hope that you are fine and that the Lord is guiding you.  Here in Mama Hellen’s I am also doing very well in school.  I am also working very hard in order to achieve good marks and also reach my dreams.  My favorite memory verse is John 15:5

Jesus speaks – ‘I am the vine; you are the branches.  If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.’

I would also request you to read in the book of Proverbs 3:5-6 and you will be blessed.  I hope that the Almighty God is guiding you.  May you be blessed.”

On the back, there is a carefully drawn heart with decorative letters reading:


As I was reading this, emotions flooded my soul.

I was joyful.  Joyful for Dennis and for the people that have been diligently carrying out God’s work to bring this ministry to life.

I was heartbroken.  Heartbroken for the millions of people across this world who are afflicted.  Millions of people who think they don’t matter.

I was empowered.  Empowered by God’s calling to live our lives as a light unto the world; Matthew 5:16. Empowered by His presence as he shapes our hearts.

I was encouraged.  Encouraged to share this with you, my readers.  Encouraged to ask you to share this with others.  Encouraged to ask you to look inside of yourself.  Encouraged to pose the question:

Are you investing in others?

Investing doesn’t have to do with your money, it has to do with your time.  It has to do with your heart!  We have been giving money to HOPE 127 for 3 years, but it wasn’t until TODAY that it grabbed my HEART.  Others don’t have to live in Kenya, they could live right under your roof – but ask yourself this question – are you investing in others?  It is essential in living richly.

Richness has nothing to do with your finances.  It has everything to do with you!  True richness is measured by the dividends of a life spent encouraging others.

I see a beautiful, rich little boy in Nakuru, Kenya taking the time to encourage me in my faith.  Do you know what Proverbs 3:5-6 says?

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.”

Thank you Dennis – I love you too!


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