Tag Archives | Surviving Saturday

Fellowship, Community, and College Football

Change is in the air. You can feel it. You can smell it. You can see it. And, if you listen closely, you can hear it. From stadiums across the country, the roar of a community gathered around its team has begun. Everyone is ready for this year’s action; it’s time for the kickoff. College Football is back. Like an announcement of the new season, this weekend will be a physical reminder of what is happening. As whistles blow, players […]

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When Courage is the Answer

Yesterday brought an interesting discovery: a homeless man had pitched a tent in the woods beside our home. My first response was fear, followed by general uneasiness. All of the traditional dangers that accompany homelessness are things that I don’t want near my young sons. But I couldn’t stop staring at this tent. Its blue, slightly weathered exterior was surrounded by trees just yards beyond our perimeter fence. My mind split in two different directions. Do I step in and […]

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