Tag Archives | Regret

The Power of Reflection | Rediscovering Who You Are

Regretting the past and reflecting on it are two drastically different things. One is laced with guilt and shame while the other is overflowing with wisdom and hope. You see, the past can give you hope, but you can’t hope in the past. Knowing the difference is essential. For much of my life I was so eager to hit the reset button on another year that I failed to spend time in quiet reflection. But a few years ago, I […]

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The Knot That Resides in Our Stomach

I have an awesome opportunity tonight to do something I’ve never done. Last year, a good friend asked if I would fill-in on the radio broadcast of my high school’s football game. I obliged and had an awesome time. Tonight, I’ve been asked to don a headset, run the sidelines, and give my best Erin Andrews impression. I will be the on-field commentator for the New Hanover High School Wildcats, my alma mater. Excitement has perfectly mixed with anxiety to […]

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