Tag Archives | Reflection

The Decade Challenge | What Will You Accomplish in Ten Years?

Ten years ago, there was a small startup in San Francisco running a beta test on their new transportation app. The idea was simple. Provide a way for people to drive other people where they need to go. It was called Uber. Taxi companies didn’t pay attention. They had the market cornered—or so they thought. Over the last decade, Uber has revolutionized the transportation industry, proving that a lot can happen in ten years. But the problem is, so many […]

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The Power of Reflection | Rediscovering Who You Are

Regretting the past and reflecting on it are two drastically different things. One is laced with guilt and shame while the other is overflowing with wisdom and hope. You see, the past can give you hope, but you can’t hope in the past. Knowing the difference is essential. For much of my life I was so eager to hit the reset button on another year that I failed to spend time in quiet reflection. But a few years ago, I […]

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A Reader Asked Me Three Very Difficult Questions. Here Are My Answers.

A listener named Annie sent me an email and asked me where everything at www.mattham.com began. Then she asked me three very challenging questions: What were your thoughts? What did you struggle with? What answers have you found? After giving it quite a bit of thought, I decided to answer those questions here. In fact, I would challenge each of you to ask yourself these questions. In essence, our thoughts, our struggles, and our perspectives are always leading us somewhere. […]

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I Am Here: Strength in Reflecting on the Past

This post is a story that highlights the purpose and premise of my eBook, I Am Here. I hated running and I hated the gym. They always gave me a feeling of inadequacy. Team sports had always been my forte: baseball, basketball, and football. A few years removed from college and the enjoyment of a desk job left me out of shape and in need of motivation. Adult league softball wasn’t cutting it (no offense guys). It made me mad […]

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Rethinking December

What does December represent for you? Stress. Anxiety. Busyness. Worry. Regret… Hope. Anticipation. Celebration. Generosity. Joy… As much as I’d like to admit that my list resembles the second list, there’s a little of both around our house. December provides a unique time for reflection, looking back on another year past. We revisit both tragedy and triumph, victory and defeat as we reminisce all that was. Additionally, we anticipate all that awaits. A new year promises new opportunities and new beginnings. However, as we ebb […]

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