Tag Archives | Parenting

A Letter to Matthew

When my wife was fourteen-years old, she lost her father to cancer. A spot on his tongue spread eventually stealing his capacity to speak, and then, his life. But just before he died, he wrote each of his children a letter. As you can imagine, my wife treasures her letter from her father. After my cancer diagnosis in 2014, I decided to write my children a letter, starting with my oldest, Matthew. I share this letter with you as encouragement to do the same for your children. ◊♦◊ Matthew, […]

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Beauty for Ashes: Overcoming Shame

As we were getting the boys ready for bed, I caught my oldest son, MJ, watching inappropriate videos on his mom’s cellphone—something he knows he’s not supposed to do. To make matters worse, when I confronted him about it, he lied to me. “I just picked up mom’s phone to check the time,” an attempt to cover his disobedience. Seeing his sweet, innocent spirit give in to the temptation to lie to his father pierced my heart. My first response […]

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Parenting is the Most Frustrating (And Rewarding) Part of my Life

Seven years ago, my wife and I were in a barren place, both literally and metaphorically. Our efforts to start a family seemed to be in vain and our marriage was on the rocks. But these past seven years have taught me that difficulty and adversity are common denominators for anything deeply rewarding. At least that’s what I have to remind myself of, now, as a father to four kids under the age of seven. Being a dad is the most frustrating […]

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Becoming Dad

When my wife told our four-year old son, Matthew, that she was going to have another baby, his eyes widened, his face wrinkled, and he let out a puzzled question, “Mom, does Dad know about this baby?” For a moment, I think he was worried I was going to skip town. Believe me, there’s been a lot of fear, actually. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to fully love four kids. I’m not sure I love three that well. But today, I’m […]

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The Truth About Grace

MJ wanted to wear his superhero outfit. As much as I tried to explain to him that this birthday party wasn’t a superhero party, he just didn’t understand. He was furious and I was the bad daddy. But my four-year-old son’s reply showed his true feelings: “Daddy, if you love me, you’ll let me do what I want to do.” His words captured the depth of what he was feeling in that moment. Moreover, his words echoed my own when I talk […]

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Confessions of a Wimpy White Boy

When our twins were born five-weeks premature, there was a phrase going around the intensive care unit that wasn’t very becoming. To describe the condition of their underdeveloped lungs, the nurses would often use the phrase, “Wimpy white boys.” I hated that phrase. My sons weren’t wimpy, they were strong, fighting to breathe. But their condition kept us in the neonatal intensive care unit for nearly four weeks. Looking back on those days is difficult, not because of the contraptions […]

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Why My Wife Won’t Go See Fifty Shades of Gray

My wife and I have three sons under the age of five and a brand new baby girl. Even at these innocent ages, sensual images enter their minds on a daily basis. These images appeal to something that they don’t even understand. Their environment beckons them to consider the temptation and culture says, “It’s ok.” As their father, I want them to understand my unwavering belief in the importance of slaying this deceptive temptation before it becomes cancerous, as it did in […]

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