Tag Archives | Moses

The Abundance of God

For the past six months, I have encountered the number 66 on almost a daily basis. Initially, I was scared that it meant something terrible was going to happen to me or to my family because the number 666 is associated with evil. But I calmed my initial fears, stopped living in my head, and began paying attention. Without fail, the number continued to reveal itself in my life. My cell phone battery would continually stay at 66 percent. The […]

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Life in the Desert

A twenty-something friend reached out to me recently, just to talk. He had abandoned the idea of God in his late teen years after religious culture and hell-fire-and-brimstone left a bitter taste in his mouth. I can’t say I blame him for spitting it out. Now, after ten years of tasting all that life has to offer, he is weary—thirsty for something that life isn’t providing. Sure, he’s successful, and he’s a great guy. But he’s sinking. He’s in the midst of some […]

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The Power of a RICH Life

The word rich is a cornerstone word in American culture. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are in our blood. But somewhere along the way, our pursuits have become tarnished with a narrow view of wealth. We have learned to believe that being rich only has to do with money. Here’s a news flash: big houses, fancy cars, and extravagant tastes don’t make you rich. Some of the poorest people in the world are those whose bank accounts are full, but their hearts are empty. I was […]

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Stranded in the Desert of Life

This week, I had a situation that didn’t go the way I had planned. At the last minute, an obligation I couldn’t escape forced me to change my schedule and cancel something I was really looking forward to. I was angry, frustrated, and ungrateful. I was a picture of Israel: in the desert, complaining. Do you remember the story? “The whole Israelite community set out from Elim and came to the Desert of Sin. In the desert the whole community grumbled […]

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Tending to Your Flock

The original language of the Old Testament refers to God as Jehovah-Jireh, which translates the Lord will provide. As Christians, we say that, but do we really believe it? Interestingly enough, many of the Old Testament figures struggled with this as well. Their stories highlight faithfulness in the midst of unfaithfulness, something I can relate to in my own life. Abraham and Sarah laughed at God while Jacob deceived his father and stole the birthright from his twin, Esau.   And […]

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