Tag Archives | Jesus

Tuck in Your Cape Superman

There’s an innate quality within little children that speaks volumes about the condition of the human heart: little boys want to be superheroes and little girls want to be princesses. And if we’re honest, it doesn’t go away as we grow up–we just put on different costumes. As a speaker, I find myself wanting to be compared to the Titans in the field: Ziglar, Maxwell, Andrews We rank ourselves in tennis leagues, we compare how many friends we have on Facebook […]

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I Don’t Usually Read the Bible, But When I Do…

In 2006 Mexico-based brewer, Cuauhtémoc Moctezuma Brewery, hired marketing firm Havas Worldwide to create a campaign for their brand Dos Equis. What followed shows the response of popular culture to creative advertising. The created persona has sparked a marketing whirlwind and internet sensation: The Most Interesting Man in the World When describing the campaign’s purpose and the creation of their character, the firm said, “He is a man rich in stories and experiences, much the way the audience hopes to be […]

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What Makes You Rich?

Have you ever wished for a ME translation of the Bible, a convenient, made-for-you version containing footnotes for your life? There’s a peculiar passage found in three of the four gospel accounts which I find particularly puzzling. It’s the kind of passage that, when I read it, I begin squirming in my chair. I feel the uneasiness of the words as I sit in the comfort of my home, sip my Starbucks-roasted blend, tap the keys of my MacBook Air, and answer Facebook comments on my state-of-the-art […]

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Questions for Daddy: Sharing the Gospel With Your Children

The conversation started with frustration as MJ, my three-year old, complained, “Why can’t Mommy put me to bed?” “Because buddy, she’s downstairs resting.” “But I don’t want you to put me down Daddy!”  His 3-year-old temper was on the verge of a meltdown. My reply was probably a little harsh. “Well buddy, there are some little boys that don’t have a daddy, so we need to be thankful that we can spend some time together before we go to sleep.” […]

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From Peter’s Perspective | A Fresh Approach to God’s Word

“I wonder where Jesus is?” The thought crossed my mind as I tried to hold the oar steady against the beating waves. It was unusually rough on the Sea of Galilee and we were working just to stay afloat. Then again, my mind felt a lot like the sea—in turmoil. Our brother, John the Baptist, was just beheaded and it caused all of us to become concerned. Will our fate be the same as his? As I wrestled these questions, […]

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What a 3am Grocery Store Run Taught Me About Relationships

I woke up unusually early this morning; around 2:30am. I was tired of wrestling with the thoughts in my head, so I jumped out of bed to wrestle them on paper. But first, I went to my TRUSTY early morning companion; the Cuisinart. Coffee, check. Sugar, check (don’t judge me). Milk, empty. To prove how much I dislike black coffee, I braved the bitterly cold temps to run to the grocery store.  As I was checking out, a young girl […]

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Why is Trust Important?

Welcome to Seeking Saturday:  2014 Edition 1 If TRUST is my word for 2014, I have to ask myself this question. Why is trust important? __________________________________________________________________________ This wind is howling outside.  It’s simply the cold front rolling in, but I can’t stop thinking about God.  He is at work and His work is mighty.  Like the wind, he is invisible, but you can hear Him and see His movements.  As C. S. Lewis said, “I believe in God as I […]

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