Tag Archives | Investing

A Simple Investment That Will Pay Dividends For Life

The only way to become rich is to harness the power of investing. I’m sure you’ve heard the mantra: save early, save often. Without this simple and practical tool, the building of wealth would not be possible. But what if there’s more to richness than we’ve come to understand? What if there is a deeper, more complex, more fulfilled path to riches, one that material wealth can’t satisfy? The more I ponder these questions and search for answers, the more I […]

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The Car Ride That Changed My Life

The investment in a person. Although it sounds like a heavy, calculated decision to make, it doesn’t have to be that way at all. Even the smallest act of kindness and assurance of someone else’s value can have the mightiest impact on their lives…and yours. Life courses are changed and blessings are discovered when nothing is left to chance. There is purpose in every action. The second principle in my forthcoming book You Make My Life Rich is: Invest in […]

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Investing in Your Children

I have a financial advisor that oversees my retirement accounts. Occasionally, I’ll watch the chart tick up and down with the ebb and flow of the market, wondering if my investment will pay off. On a personal level, I invest in myself. I read books, take courses, eat well, and join the gym. On a spiritual level, I invest in a relationship with God. I read His Word, I journal, and I pray. But, I’m reminded this morning of one investment whose dividends […]

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A Simple Practice to be Courageous

There’s rarely a time when I’m short on words. As a kid, I talked to everyone, from strangers in stores to the crosswalk guard. As a teenager, I talked to everyone, from umpires to ESPN camera crews. Which, I will add,  featured me on an ESPN special about fans and nearly won me a new Toyota Tacoma. But, I digress. What I’m saying is that I’ve been given the gift of gab. I’m not making assumptions or tooting my horn, I’ve just […]

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Seeking Saturday: Who is Dennis Masaku?

What Are You Seeking? My 2nd principle on the journey to living richly is Invest in Others.  Hopefully, this story will shed light on the power that simple principle carries. Back in 2010, my wife and I engaged with a ministry through our church, Port City Community Church, called HOPE 127. At the time, we really didn’t know any details, just simply responded to a call to start giving to the ministry.  We were told that the gift would be […]

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Be A Name Caller: A Guide To Investing

As we continue with ideas and insight to living richly, a life abounding in desirable qualities, it is essential to understand the importance of investing.  We must invest.  In order to maintain financial riches, the concept of investing is neccessary.  The same holds true for OUR quest for personal richness.   However, when seeking to live richly, we must invest in others.  Much like financial investing yields compound interest, investing in people yields compound opportunity! Calling By Name One of […]

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