Tag Archives | Impatience

Life in the Desert

A twenty-something friend reached out to me recently, just to talk. He had abandoned the idea of God in his late teen years after religious culture and hell-fire-and-brimstone left a bitter taste in his mouth. I can’t say I blame him for spitting it out. Now, after ten years of tasting all that life has to offer, he is weary—thirsty for something that life isn’t providing. Sure, he’s successful, and he’s a great guy. But he’s sinking. He’s in the midst of some […]

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Are You A Spoiled Little Rich Girl?

Think about the last time you didn’t get your way. How did you respond? Here’s an honest example from my life. When I launched my book, there was a part of me that wanted paramount success: the New York Times Best-Seller list and an interview on Good Morning America. I wanted the Golden Goose and I felt the tension growing inside of me when it didn’t happen immediately. And the feeling of course isn’t limited to that example alone. Sometimes, it’s as trivial as traffic or my children’s refusal […]

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Tending to Your Flock

The original language of the Old Testament refers to God as Jehovah-Jireh, which translates the Lord will provide. As Christians, we say that, but do we really believe it? Interestingly enough, many of the Old Testament figures struggled with this as well. Their stories highlight faithfulness in the midst of unfaithfulness, something I can relate to in my own life. Abraham and Sarah laughed at God while Jacob deceived his father and stole the birthright from his twin, Esau.   And […]

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Learning to Ride the Bus

Shortly after I felt God urging me to pursue a passion for speaking and writing, I felt restless in my heart. I loved my career in insurance and still do. The restlessness caused me to wonder how my career and my passions would collide. I began thinking about all of the steps ahead and I started to dream. While dreaming is necessary, it also has the tendency to distract you from taking any steps at all. I’ve heard it said, “Confidence without […]

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