Tag Archives | Grace

Living With Scars

Cancer left me with a four-inch scar on my right side, just above my hip. It also left me with a terrible case of insecurity. I’ll never forget the first time we ventured to the pool and I had to choose to remove my shirt and face the music, or keep my shirt on and hide my scar. It might seem silly to someone who’s never experienced it, but as the cool water reached my scar, I tensed up. I subconsciously rubbed my scar the entire […]

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A Letter to my Son, Matthew: Part 2

Read: A Letter to Matthew: Part 1 Our struggle to conceive was certainly a reminder that you were a gift from Him. Even before you were born, He knew this would be your name. Matthew means gift of God. “Meme” chose it for her son for a reason, her reason. Your mom and I chose it for our own. Some will call it southern and others may call it traditional. For us, there was no other name: Matthew Derrick Ham, Jr. […]

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A Letter to my Son, Matthew: Part 1

It’s raining outside. Actually, it’s pouring. The repetitive patter creates a rhythmic backdrop for thought. The occasional roar of thunder breaks the pattern. I’m alone with my thoughts and Him. This is my personal sanctuary. This morning, the rain reminds me of His grace, His life-giving hope to an otherwise dying soul. Has it really been five years? Is my little boy really five years old? I can hardly stomach the thought. Whoever wrote the words, “Time is on your side,” […]

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