Tag Archives | Fear

A Mom of Four and Her Road to Recovery

My wife, Liz, is an amazing mom to our four children. We’ve walked through a challenging season with her health that has proven to be both humbling and empowering. As you read her story, we hope it will be both humbling and empowering for you as well. In the fall of 2011, I gave birth to identical twins boys. Despite being born six-weeks early, each weighed six pounds. I knew that pregnancy had done a number on my body, but […]

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Dear Christians, Stop Arguing About The Shack

I didn’t read The Shack until ten years after it was originally published. I figured that a book depicting God as an older black woman was either heretical or just too weird for me to digest. But then, I watched an interview with the author. He was gentle, humble, and he pointed me toward God. After listening to him tell his story, I was compelled to read. Paul Young chose the daunting task of writing a letter in an attempt to explain his life’s […]

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President Trump, Celebrities, and a Vegan Cleanse

Donald Trump is the 45th President of the United States of America. If that sentence makes you cringe, chances are, you’re part of the nearly 66 million who voted otherwise. Or you’re in the most “vilified segment of American society” which means you’re probably not reading this small-time blog anyway. But truthfully, there are some of us on the other side of the aisle who are right there with you. Yes, despite the stereotype of football-watching-white-middle-America (and a lot of other […]

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I’m Finally Breaking My Political Silence

Well, it’s over. I have exercised my right and my privilege to cast my ballot for the next President of the United States, as well as those running for state and local offices. But truthfully, as I stepped away from the poll, I was left with an ugly feeling. As I walked back to my car, amid those campaigning for each party, I couldn’t help but feel divided. In a country that claims the word “United” in its title, I feel like we have missed […]

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To The Men…

There’s a small zoo in my hometown that boasts a lion as one of the main attractions. But if you pay close attention, there’s something terribly wrong. This lion doesn’t roar. Instead, he lay silent with his face pressed against the dirt of the earth. I imagine the lion initially welcomed the attention as the main attraction. He was well fed and he roared on occasion to keep his admirers entertained. But in time, the chains of captivity robbed him […]

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After the Storm

Growing up as a kid in Coastal North Carolina, the threat of hurricanes was a staple—just like tornadoes for those in the midwest, earthquakes for those out west, and snow storms for those in the northeast, every geographic location has its nemesis. This week, Hurricane Hermine swept through the southeast and left a swath of damage in its wake, affecting millions along the coast with flooding and power outages just ahead of the holiday weekend. As the storm passed through, I went to Wrightsville […]

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A Greater Hope for Our Nation

Over the past few months, I have given an excessive amount of energy toward calming my fears about the state of our nation. I began to look to politics and the upcoming Presidential race as my source of hope. Maybe if the “right” person was elected, it will solve the problem. The weight of this misplaced hope became an anchor in my life—like I was swimming with something tied around my neck, carrying around a burden that I couldn’t pinpoint. I’d find myself waking up each morning, […]

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