Tag Archives | Father’s Day

The Role of a Father

Four years ago, I wasn’t a very good dad. I never was a baby person, but taking care of three humans made me feel incapable. I guess that’s God’s grace on display. Sometimes He gives us the very things that incapacitate us so we’ll finally let go and trust Him. The truth is, He was molding me for something far bigger than I could see. And this is what it was going to take to break the strongholds that would finally set me […]

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Becoming Dad

When my wife told our four-year old son, Matthew, that she was going to have another baby, his eyes widened, his face wrinkled, and he let out a puzzled question, “Mom, does Dad know about this baby?” For a moment, I think he was worried I was going to skip town. Believe me, there’s been a lot of fear, actually. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to fully love four kids. I’m not sure I love three that well. But today, I’m […]

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Learning to Appreciate Your Kids for Who They Are

Too often, I use social media to show you the picturesque version of my family, smiling for a selfie followed by the hashtag #DadLife. What you don’t see is the unrelenting effort that it took to capture that picture, and that’s not fair to you. You only get to see the facade. Truthfully, I spent all of my time trying to capture the moment that I missed the moment altogether. Social media has done a great job of connecting us. But it has also given […]

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A Father’s Day Reflection

It’s 4am and I’m awake. My mind is moving, attempting to ponder everything that this week has brought before me. Although the diagnosis was favorable and I have amazing confidence in my doctor, there’s still something that stirs my soul. I think it has to do with the reckoning of my own mortality. Our mortality. People hate the word cancer. Most avoid saying it. And it is awful. But I won’t give it the pleasure of my fear. For fear […]

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