Tag Archives | Chasing your dreams

Bear Hunting | Your Field Guide to a Successful 2019

In our heyday of real estate sales we had a saying, “I’m going bear hunting.” This was analogous to chasing something really big. Wether it was a big client or a new business idea, “bear hunting” was our catch phrase. Unfortunately, we learned the hard way that sometimes the bear eats the hunter. After the market crashed, I traded in my bear hunting attire for a suit and tie. It was time to grow up and stop living with such […]

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1,200,000 Minutes | Life in the Office, Running Toward Our Dreams and Appreciating the Familiar

I’m sure you’ve heard it said that there is wisdom in numbering your days. But have you ever numbered your minutes? In less than three weeks, a ten-year chapter of my life will close. When I sat down and did the math, that’s 5,256,000 minutes of my life. Think about that for a second, five million minutes. And more than 1,200,000 of those minutes have been spent at work—one-point-two million minutes. It’s overwhelming to think about it. As I process my resignation and […]

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Are You Too Old?

Last week I had the opportunity to travel to Biloxi Mississippi to the beautiful Beau Rivage for a corporate Vision Committee meeting.  While I was there, I poked my head in at the craps table. Some folks shy away from craps and the casino in general, but the game itself intrigues me.  Call this a confession, but here’s why. I could sit there just watching; calculating probabilities in my head.  Observing the dealers and gamblers toss chips as they take […]

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