Archive | Wisdom

Confederate Statues and Taking Sides

There is a fierce battle raging in our country. The events in Charlottesville and the backlash that followed have sprouted bitter fruit from a crippled seed planted long ago. At a quick glance, the conversation is about Confederate statues, racism, and taking sides. Like a schoolyard fight, we line up on one side holding fast to our stereotypes, anger, and hatred for those across from us. But is that really the issue? In a moment of clarity, I feel like God […]

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Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety is one of those taboo things that we all experience in some form, but are rarely willing to talk about. The conversation surrounding such an issue is much bigger than I can address within this post. There are many reasons not to share something so personal, but I’m choosing to overlook those reasons because I believe that vulnerability has the power to break things open. What I’m about to share,  I share for two reasons. One, because I know […]

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Baptism, The Goodness of God, and Our Need For Revival

I first felt a call to be baptized about two years ago, but I quickly brushed it off for a number of logical reasons. But God doesn’t work by logic. In fact, faith, by definition, isn’t logical. For two years, the idea of baptism burned in my heart while I wrestled with the logic in my head. Every time I saw the word or happened to watch someone else be baptized, I couldn’t deny that’s what God was calling me […]

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The Xennial Micro-Generation: Bridging The Gap

I recently read an article highlighting a study of people born between 1977 and 1983 (via Dan Woodman, Melbourne University). We are Xennials—a micro-generation wedged between Generation X and Generation Y. As someone born in 1981, I consider the article to be spot on. I’ve never felt like I identified with either generation exclusively. Instead, I possess characteristics of both. I vividly remember when our family got our first VCR, car phone and computer. As a kid, I listened to […]

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Dear Bernie Sanders, I Am a Christian

I try to avoid politics whenever possible. The political arena has become so emotionally charged and off-putting that I’d rather remove myself than be buried in the constant stream of negativity and noise. But there are moments when I cannot and will not remain silent. This is one of those moments. Yesterday, an exchange occurred between Bernie Sanders and Russell Vought during a confirmation hearing that alarmed me. During this exchange, Senator Sanders referenced Mr. Vought’s comments regarding his Christian faith and his position on salvation. […]

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Courageous Patience

In the summer of 2013, I discovered a newfound passion for writing and speaking that had previously laid dormant. As people began following along, my excitement grew. Passion birthed relentless productivity and I dreamed of building an online business so I could quit my job. I hustled like crazy to make it happen. But hindsight affords us the clarity we lack in the moment. The truth is, my passion and productivity had consumed me. As a result, I became a poor steward of what I […]

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Three People You Need in Your Life

Life is hard. There’s no denying that. As a result, we try to control our circumstances to avoid the “hard”— like if we eat right or get on a budget, then it will all be rainbows and unicorns. By sheer willpower and effectiveness we try to push through our struggles with a fix-it-myself attitude. But curiously, that mentality isolates us. Before we know it, we’re alone, buried by our circumstances. Rather than relying on efficient practices and willpower, is there another way? As a […]

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