Archive | Spiritual

Embracing Christmas: 12 Days of Christmas Cheer: #ARichChristmas Day 9

Have you ever felt so overwhelmed with joy in a particular moment you want to hold on to that moment forever? You want to squeeze that memory so tight, take a mental picture and remind yourself of it constantly. I had a moment like that this morning and I’ve been reflecting on it most of the day. This morning, for the first time ever, we took MJ to “BIG CHURCH“.  Seeing how much he loves music, we thought he’d love […]

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A Few Things George Bailey Taught Me About Prayer

When I graduated from high school, a friend gave me a book with the words NO MAN IS A FAILURE WHO HAS FRIENDS written inside. I thought it was catchy and I thanked him for the gift, but I had no idea where that phrase originated. When I asked he said, “Watch It’s A Wonderful Life sometime. I think you’ll enjoy it.” To be honest, it always seemed like one of the boring black and white films that I intentionally avoided, so it […]

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One Word Can Change Your Life

In college, I was a Dave Matthews fan; something like 13 shows in 4 years.  As an avid guitar player, witnessing his shows was watching a work of art unfold on stage in perfect harmony. Last year, I made epic plans to see him again for the first time since 2004.  Dave was coming to Raleigh; the perfect setting for a night away with Liz! A couple of days before the show, one of the boys came down with the […]

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Rethinking December

What does December represent for you? Stress. Anxiety. Busyness. Worry. Regret… Hope. Anticipation. Celebration. Generosity. Joy… As much as I’d like to admit that my list resembles the second list, there’s a little of both around our house. December provides a unique time for reflection, looking back on another year past. We revisit both tragedy and triumph, victory and defeat as we reminisce all that was. Additionally, we anticipate all that awaits. A new year promises new opportunities and new beginnings. However, as we ebb […]

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A Search for the Truth

I don’t have it all figured out, but I am searching as I continue my journey. I especially DO NOT want to preach. But I do know this… I’m tired of adjusting the truth… I want to be wise… “When the truth presents itself, the wise person sees the light, takes it in, and makes adjustments. The fool tries to adjust the truth so he does not have to adjust to it.” – Dr. Henry Cloud This isn’t a sermon […]

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Your Next Step: Thoughts on Moving Forward When You Feel Stuck

In the summer of 2014, less than one week after completing a Half Ironman, I was diagnosed with stage three, spreading malignant melanoma. I’m not sure I’ll ever be comfortable writing those words, but I am eternally grateful for the prognosis. By God’s grace, I am now cancer free. After my surgery, I took eight months off from exercising. Four of those months were necessary. The other four were a by-product of my own excuses. Finally, after months of internal wrestling, I started running […]

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The Biggest Mistake Leaders Make

Earlier this week, I saw an online guru share the number of website views they have each month as a way to introduce themselves. It was an attempt to validate the scope of their leadership. My initial reaction was, “Holy cow, that’s a lot of influence.” Feelings of insufficiency immediately followed. One million views a month seemed incredible. I quickly discredited my own opportunity for influence, but then I remembered when I first began blogging and 10,000 views seemed unachievable. Whether it is website views or […]

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