Archive | Personal

Choices, Leaps of Faith and Changing the World

Fourteen years ago, I was forced to choose between what I had grown accustomed to and what I really wanted. On one side, I had my family, my fiancé, my hometown and a well-paying job that most college graduates would kill for. On the other side, I had a not-so-sure opportunity with an upstart real estate company more than 600 miles away. The sensation in that moment was overwhelming and the decision made my heart race inside my chest. My […]

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The Power of Our Scars

When I was a kid, I walked in front of a seesaw swing. The metal corner of the swing caught my left cheekbone, split the skin and knocked me unconscious. I’m pretty sure seesaw swings are outlawed now and if we’d been the litigious type we could have settled with the manufacturer for damages. But I guess some scars don’t make you rich. I still have a vague recollection of the trauma—the bloody shirt of the man who carried me […]

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If I’m Honest… | The One Thing Our Lives Desperately Need

Rampant, subtle dishonesty ruled my life for many years. My business was booming although it stressed me out, my social media feed showed the smiles instead of the meltdowns, my marriage appeared pure despite the fact that it wasn’t and my conversations delivered what I thought people wanted to hear instead of what was true. With the best intentions I ever-so-gently positioned my life to seem better than it was. It was a vicious cycle that robbed me of authenticity and […]

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The Power of Reflection | Rediscovering Who You Are

Regretting the past and reflecting on it are two drastically different things. One is laced with guilt and shame while the other is overflowing with wisdom and hope. You see, the past can give you hope, but you can’t hope in the past. Knowing the difference is essential. For much of my life I was so eager to hit the reset button on another year that I failed to spend time in quiet reflection. But a few years ago, I […]

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5 Reasons Why We Need Less Social Media in 2018

I get the irony. You’re probably reading this article because you clicked on a link on social media. But let’s set aside the caveats and have an honest conversation. This weekend my wife asked me, “Do you think you’re addicted to social media?” My defense was swift and certain, “It’s not an addiction.” Her question had struck a nerve. This morning, like every morning, I pulled up Facebook. But instead of the standard feed, I was met by a kind […]

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What to do When the Boat is Sinking | Thoughts on Honesty, Control, and Letting Go

You’re in the middle of the ocean. You’re the only person on the boat. And, the boat is sinking.     This is my greatest fear—complete isolation in the middle of the ocean. Yet I have purposefully been visualizing this fear. While some may see it as unnecessary or unproductive to emotionally assume your greatest fear, I have found it empowering. By placing myself in this scenario and choosing to feel the emotion, it has helped me realize that I […]

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Yes, They Serve Omelets in Heaven

There are certain people that we immortalize because we can’t imagine a world in which they don’t exist. These are the rare few who have blessed our lives with such abundance that they’ve imprinted themselves into our existence. They are part of our story. That’s how I felt about Ida Jean Mayhew. And I know I’m not alone. It was just too hard to imagine the day when her warm smile and charm wouldn’t welcome me when I walked through […]

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