Archive | Faith

Not a Bigot

There’s something about the word, bigot, that I don’t particularly care for. It’s an ugly word—a word filled with hate to describe those who hate. But it’s oxymoronic if you think about it. Aren’t those who accuse others of bigotry, in fact, living examples of the definition? Intolerance, even of the intolerant, is still intolerance, right? Quite plainly, I’m not a bigot. But for some reason, it has become common-place for our culture to respond to any type of opposition with […]

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Prodigal Me

The Parable of the Prodigal Son is one of the most recognized Biblical narratives and has been used for centuries to encourage wayward children to return to their Father. It’s easy to glaze over and take a “Yeah, I’ve heard that” attitude until you become the Prodigal. When you truly realize your insufficiency and see your separation from the blessing of Home, when you can taste the pig slop on your lips and feel the humiliation of brokenness, then the […]

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After My Grandmother Died, Guess What We Found in Her Bible

Today would have been Grandma Ham’s 90th birthday. For those who didn’t have the privilege of knowing her, she was four feet ten inches of well-permed, God-fearing delight. After she passed away, my mom found my grandmother’s Bibles while cleaning out her home. What surprised us all is what we found inside. To my grandmother, the Bible wasn’t an old dusty book full of do’s and don’ts, it was a weapon—the living Word of God, an active asset in an […]

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A Christian’s Plea During This Political Season

This political season has become reality television at it’s very best (or worst depending on your perspective). Regardless of which side of the aisle you’re on, it hasn’t been pretty. As a result of recent terrorist attacks, the ongoing LGBT conversation, a violent resurgence of racial tension, and pending economic issues, there’s a heightened state of tension that has created the perfect storm. Our emotions are on overload. But what troubles me the most is the number of professing Christians who […]

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American Frankenstein

2016 has brought me to my knees. The news has been horrendous enough, but the subsequent fallout is what has broken me. Like many of my fellow citizens, I’m sadden by the state of our country and at the same time I’m puzzled. I find myself asking, “How did this happen?” As I survey the landscape, I can’t help but think that Mary Shelley’s classic novel, Frankenstein, is unfolding before our eyes. We’re Dr. Victor Frankenstein, obsessed with bringing something to life to deal […]

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When Dead Things Come to Life: A Story of Learning to Live by Faith

We have a camellia bush in our front yard that refuses to take root. Every season, it fails to bloom. At one point, we even hired a landscape company to replant it to see if that would restore it to life. Its sad, withered leaves only confirmed the reality that it was dying. Six years ago, our marriage was like that camellia bush—hanging on for dear life, refusing to bear fruit. When the doctors confirmed that we wouldn’t be able […]

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The Reality of Depression at Christmas

I’ve recently gained a deeper appreciation for the reality of depression. Whether it was my own naivety or an unwillingness to be honest, I refused to go there. But the truth is, many people will spend this Christmas and the coming year in a battle with depression. And I would never suggest that I have any answers, but I wanted to unpack a few thoughts and share a story that may provide some perspective. For those of you who struggle, know that […]

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